Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 3 -- Mighty Eventful

Well today was big day for me. I started off super strong. I downed my big 16.9 oz bottle of water and had my cereal with blueberries and strawberries. Then I went for a 55 minute walk. Mmmm . . . was feeling powerful and the pounds were shedding off with every step.

At around 12 noon I headed into the city to a Sprint event for my WiredLatinos blog. I skipped lunch. Not intentional, I was in a hurry and I knew there would be food there. However, the event did not end up starting until 2pm. I was starving. I was excited to be there and super focused on everything they were say -- the new phones, the new Spanish apps, etc., etc . . . but my stomach was growling. I swear I saw the keynote speaker, Dan Hesse (CEO of Sprint), turn to see me when my stomach screamed "feed me." I smiled. He didn't.

Anyway, the curtains finally went down and the new phones were unveiled and the partnership app companies . . . yeah, it all looked great, but that food looked greater. They had hummus and fried pita chips, scewers with sausages and shrimp and all kinds of other great stuff I didn't get to eat because I was much solicited. So I did eat, but not really. Maybe two scewers. They didn't have water so I had to drink Diet Pepsi -- not good.

So, the event ended at 4p, I rushed home to the boys -- but I was invited to another all press event for the evening -- so I had rush back. Food was promised at this event too. Oh good, I thought.

I fed my boys healthy Panda Express (sorry I couldn't cook, I was busy). I was dying to feast in their meal, but I was good. I knew that if I ate Panda, I would continue eating at the event. It smelled to good. To make matters worse, Liam started eating in the car. It was complete torture as the small car filled with the aromas of chow mien.

Anyway, I get to the event and I head straight for the food. I didn't really know anyone, so I had no commitments . . . but to my stomach. The spread included all kinds of beautiful food: Tortollini, bow pasta with meat sauce, rigatoni with marinara sauce, Chinese chicken salad, mixed greens salad with vinaigrette, ceasar salad, mini cheese burgers, enchiladas, quesadillas, scewers again . .. Just delightful. I had a little enchilada, some bow pasta, mixed greens salada and I think that was it because then all of a sudden I became popular again.

You can't really eat at those places. People do work -- at least I was. Some people were getting their party on. Good for them. Believe me, I wanted to. I was feeling pretty good about my work. But, I had to drive home.

Quite an eventful day. I can't tell you how many calories. But from the way my stomach was feeling, not enough.

Day 4 will be better.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 2 -- Woke up feeling skinny!

Unbelievable! I woke up feeling skinny this morning. I kid you not. My stomach felt nice and empty and I felt lighter . . . just a teeny bit lighter. What a difference a few meals make.

Motivated by my skinny feeling, I again chugged my first 16.9 oz. of bottled water (actually it is a bottle I keep refilling with filtered water from my Britta water pitcher -- being green and loving my beautiful earth). Then I went to work . . . on my affirmation for By the way, if you did not read it, check it out: I'm a powerhouse! Having written that, I was feeling pumped up and powerful!! I had a bowl of flax multibran cereal with blueberries. Nice!! Tasty! It totally filled me up. I danced a happy dance in the kitchen. 200 calories.

I went for a nice long walk today. 55 minutes. I listened to my Italian lessons to prepare myself for my trip to Italia in November. Definitely, it will be nice to be skinnier by November 20th because when I'm over there I plan on eating without thinking, counting or recording. It was definitely a "buona passeggiata" (good walk).

For lunch, I had left over soup from last night. Mmm!! It was tastier today than yesterday. Crunch raved about it last night. I ravaged it today. 500 calories.

For dinner, . . .. ok . . . well, I kinda broke down, but not really. After writing for my review of Samsung Epic 4G, I was a little wired and I needed a little break so I went to Starbucks. I bought a large coffee and a cream cheese filled pumpking muffin and a slice of pumpin loaf. A total of 650 calories. Yeah, I know, not very nutritious . . . but oh so rewarding!!

It is now 5:44p and I feel really full so I definitely will not be eating any more. Total calories for today: 1350. Not too shabby for cheating a little.

It was an awesome day!! I still feel skinny! I plan on waking up feeling and looking skinnier tomorrow morning.

Bring on Day 3.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 1 -- Nearly 300 calories overboard!

I woke up excited for my new "1500 calorie a day" life-style. I did not even crave my usual cup of joe. I moved on to my first bottle of 16.9 ounces of water. Chugged it all down. It filled me up. "Mmm . . . feeling good. This is good," I affirmed.

Well now it is 7:02p and I just finished my last meal: a delicious giant bowl of soup with tons of veggies. 500 calories. Plus my 16.9 ounces of water. This concludes Day 1!! I've survived Day #1.

I gotta say, even though I ate really healthy today, I felt very full all day long. This is how it all went down:

For breakfast I had oatmeal with nuts and raisins. 445 calories.

Lunch was a small salad with beautiful heirloom tomatoes and ranch dressing. 450 calories.

I snacked on a plain yogurt with fresh strawberries and flax seed. 200 calories

Right before dinner, I had two small slices of sweet watermelon. It was getting old in the fridge, I thought might as well have you before you go to waste. 200 calories.

I walked 6 laps around the boys school field for a total of 20 minutes.

My grand total for today was: 1767 calories. 267 overboard!!! Ahh!! I did not know I had gone over!!

Tomorrow I will be more vigilant. I think the watermelon threw me off -- but that is okay because I ate from the rainbow.

I drank my 4 bottles of 16 ounces of water too.

All in all, I give myself an A+ for effort and an A+ for attitude and an A+ for follow-through.

Tomorrow I'm pulling out my size 6 jeans. My plan is to try them on every day until they fit comfy.

Ok . . . I think I'll have one more bottle of water before I go to bed. Day 2, I'm ready!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ok . . . This time it is for real

I love food. I love it, love it, love it!!! All of it! All the time. Morning, noon, night and times in between!

I love Mexican, Italian, Indian, Chinese, Peruvian, American and a fusion of any and all.

Food nourishes not only the body, but the soul. It makes me happy. It fills me up! It brings me joy! It makes my life sweet!

But the truth is, I have an attachment, an addiction to food and this blog is to help me release and overcome both the attachment and the addition. Love should just be that . . . LOVE. True love, is non-attachment. I want to love food for what it is -- nutrition. A source of love and nourishment to love and nourish my very own body.

From this day forward I vow to love and be loved by food. To ask for nothing more than that love and nourishment. I vow to indulge in its savory delights with non-attachment. I vow to consume just enough to keep loving my life, my body and this world. I think 1500 calories a day is a nice start. 1500 of BEAUTIFUL, NUTRITIONAL CALORIES. I will eat from the rainbow.

I will start NOW!! I'm done eating for tonight. Beginning tomorrow I will write and photograph every meal and post the calories I consume.

Many times I have started a diet and I fallen off of it over and over. But this time, I want to be for real. I'm now 43 and I want to reach 86 healthy, strong and beautiful. I want to develop a healthy habits and a new relationship with one of my greatest pleasures in life. Currently, I want to say I weigh 180 pounds and am a size 12. I want to be a comfortable, healthy, fit size 6. Let' see what happens.

Here is the plan:

1. 1500 calories per day.
2. Take a multi-vitamin daily.
3. 4 16 oz bottles of water.
4. 15 minutes MINUMUM of activity per day -- this could be walking, dancing, jogging or anything that makes me sweat.

That's it.