Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 1 -- Nearly 300 calories overboard!

I woke up excited for my new "1500 calorie a day" life-style. I did not even crave my usual cup of joe. I moved on to my first bottle of 16.9 ounces of water. Chugged it all down. It filled me up. "Mmm . . . feeling good. This is good," I affirmed.

Well now it is 7:02p and I just finished my last meal: a delicious giant bowl of soup with tons of veggies. 500 calories. Plus my 16.9 ounces of water. This concludes Day 1!! I've survived Day #1.

I gotta say, even though I ate really healthy today, I felt very full all day long. This is how it all went down:

For breakfast I had oatmeal with nuts and raisins. 445 calories.

Lunch was a small salad with beautiful heirloom tomatoes and ranch dressing. 450 calories.

I snacked on a plain yogurt with fresh strawberries and flax seed. 200 calories

Right before dinner, I had two small slices of sweet watermelon. It was getting old in the fridge, I thought might as well have you before you go to waste. 200 calories.

I walked 6 laps around the boys school field for a total of 20 minutes.

My grand total for today was: 1767 calories. 267 overboard!!! Ahh!! I did not know I had gone over!!

Tomorrow I will be more vigilant. I think the watermelon threw me off -- but that is okay because I ate from the rainbow.

I drank my 4 bottles of 16 ounces of water too.

All in all, I give myself an A+ for effort and an A+ for attitude and an A+ for follow-through.

Tomorrow I'm pulling out my size 6 jeans. My plan is to try them on every day until they fit comfy.

Ok . . . I think I'll have one more bottle of water before I go to bed. Day 2, I'm ready!

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