Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ok . . . This time it is for real

I love food. I love it, love it, love it!!! All of it! All the time. Morning, noon, night and times in between!

I love Mexican, Italian, Indian, Chinese, Peruvian, American and a fusion of any and all.

Food nourishes not only the body, but the soul. It makes me happy. It fills me up! It brings me joy! It makes my life sweet!

But the truth is, I have an attachment, an addiction to food and this blog is to help me release and overcome both the attachment and the addition. Love should just be that . . . LOVE. True love, is non-attachment. I want to love food for what it is -- nutrition. A source of love and nourishment to love and nourish my very own body.

From this day forward I vow to love and be loved by food. To ask for nothing more than that love and nourishment. I vow to indulge in its savory delights with non-attachment. I vow to consume just enough to keep loving my life, my body and this world. I think 1500 calories a day is a nice start. 1500 of BEAUTIFUL, NUTRITIONAL CALORIES. I will eat from the rainbow.

I will start NOW!! I'm done eating for tonight. Beginning tomorrow I will write and photograph every meal and post the calories I consume.

Many times I have started a diet and I fallen off of it over and over. But this time, I want to be for real. I'm now 43 and I want to reach 86 healthy, strong and beautiful. I want to develop a healthy habits and a new relationship with one of my greatest pleasures in life. Currently, I want to say I weigh 180 pounds and am a size 12. I want to be a comfortable, healthy, fit size 6. Let' see what happens.

Here is the plan:

1. 1500 calories per day.
2. Take a multi-vitamin daily.
3. 4 16 oz bottles of water.
4. 15 minutes MINUMUM of activity per day -- this could be walking, dancing, jogging or anything that makes me sweat.

That's it.

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