Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 2 -- Woke up feeling skinny!

Unbelievable! I woke up feeling skinny this morning. I kid you not. My stomach felt nice and empty and I felt lighter . . . just a teeny bit lighter. What a difference a few meals make.

Motivated by my skinny feeling, I again chugged my first 16.9 oz. of bottled water (actually it is a bottle I keep refilling with filtered water from my Britta water pitcher -- being green and loving my beautiful earth). Then I went to work . . . on my affirmation for SopaLatina.net. By the way, if you did not read it, check it out: I'm a powerhouse! Having written that, I was feeling pumped up and powerful!! I had a bowl of flax multibran cereal with blueberries. Nice!! Tasty! It totally filled me up. I danced a happy dance in the kitchen. 200 calories.

I went for a nice long walk today. 55 minutes. I listened to my Italian lessons to prepare myself for my trip to Italia in November. Definitely, it will be nice to be skinnier by November 20th because when I'm over there I plan on eating without thinking, counting or recording. It was definitely a "buona passeggiata" (good walk).

For lunch, I had left over soup from last night. Mmm!! It was tastier today than yesterday. Crunch raved about it last night. I ravaged it today. 500 calories.

For dinner, . . .. ok . . . well, I kinda broke down, but not really. After writing for WiredLatinos.com my review of Samsung Epic 4G, I was a little wired and I needed a little break so I went to Starbucks. I bought a large coffee and a cream cheese filled pumpking muffin and a slice of pumpin loaf. A total of 650 calories. Yeah, I know, not very nutritious . . . but oh so rewarding!!

It is now 5:44p and I feel really full so I definitely will not be eating any more. Total calories for today: 1350. Not too shabby for cheating a little.

It was an awesome day!! I still feel skinny! I plan on waking up feeling and looking skinnier tomorrow morning.

Bring on Day 3.

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